Board Resolution For Compounding of Offence
Sample Board Resolution format for making application to National Company Law Tribunal for compounding of offences under Companies Act 2013.
Sample Board Resolution format for making application to National Company Law Tribunal for compounding of offences under Companies Act 2013.
Sample board resolution format for allotment of Director Identification Number to the proposed director in the company. This resolution is required to be attached with e-form DIR-3 for allotment of DIN.
Sample board resolution for approval and reimbursement of preliminary or pre-incorporation expenses incurred by promoters before and at the time of registration of the company.
Sample board resolution format for approval and recording details of transfer of shares or securities from one shareholder to other shareholder in word format.
Sample board resolution format for taking office premises on rent or lease by the company on a monthly lease rent basis.
Sample board resolution format for appointment of authorised signatory for bank, gst, income tax and other government or non government authoritites.
Sample board resolution format for change in name of the company in word and pdf format. This board resolution authorised directors to change the name of the company.
Sample board resolution format for appointment of cost auditor in word and pdf format. This resolution authorised directors to appoint cost auditor and decide remuneration of cost auditor.
Sample board resolution format for acceptance of resignation of director in word and pdf format. This resolution authorised board to accept resignation of director.
Sample board resolution format for appointment of additional director in word and pdf format. This resolution authorised board to appoint additional director in the company.