Board Resolution for Conversion of Private Limited Company to Public Limited Company
Sample Board Resolution format for Converting Private Limited Company Into Public Limited Company under Companies Act 2013.
Sample Board Resolution format for Converting Private Limited Company Into Public Limited Company under Companies Act 2013.
Sample request letter format for getting declaration from vendors/suppliers regarding whether they are registered under MSME Act or not.
Sample Consent Letter format to act as Company Secretary and Key Managerial Person of the company as per Companies Act 2013.
Format of Consent by Members/Shareholders for holding Annual General Meeting or Extraordinary General Meeting at Shorter Notice of less than 21 days.
Sample Board Resolution format for Keeping & Maintaining Books of Accounts at a Place other than Registered Office under Companies Act 2013.
Sample Board Resolution format for making donation or contribution to political parties under section 182 of the Companies Act 2013.
Sample Board Resolution format for making application to National Company Law Tribunal for compounding of offences under Companies Act 2013.
Declaration of commencement of business is required to file within 180 days with ROC in form INC-20A. In this declaration, directors confirms that all the subscription money has been received and deposited into bank.
Form MBP-1 i.e. Notice of Interest by Director. Form MBP-1 is compulsory required to be submitted by every director to the company to disclose his/her interest or concern in other business or organisation.
Sample board resolution format for allotment of Director Identification Number to the proposed director in the company. This resolution is required to be attached with e-form DIR-3 for allotment of DIN.