Form SH-1 – Share Certificate Format

Note: You can download the format of share certificate as per companies act 2013 in word file from the link provided at the end of this post.

Also Check:- Board Resolution for issuance of duplicate share certificate.

Form No. SH-1

Share Certificate

[Pursuant to sub-section (3) of section 46 of the Companies Act, 2013 and rule 5(2) of the Companies (Share Capital and Debentures) Rules 2014]

Company Name: [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Limited / Private Limited]


(Incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956/2013)


This is to certify that the person(s) named in this Certificate is/are the Registered Holder(s) of the within mentioned share(s) bearing the distinctive number(s) herein specified in the above named Company subject to the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company and the amount endorsed herein has been paid up on each such share.

[EQUITY / PREFERENCE] SHARES EACH OF RUPEES      :       [XXX] (Nominal value)

AMOUNT PAID-UP PER SHARE RUPEES                         :      [XXX]

Register Folio No: [XX]                                                                          Certificate No: [XX]

Name(s) of the Holder(s): [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]

No. of shares held: [XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX]                    [XXXXXXXX]                     

                                             (in words)                                                    (in figures)

Distinctive No. (s): From  [XXX] To [XXXX] (Both inclusive)

Given under the common seal of the Company this [XX] day of [XXXXXXX 20XX]



(1) Director: [XXXXXXXXXXXXXX]



(2) Director: [XXXXXXXXXXXXXX]


Note: No transfer of the Share(s) comprised in the Certificate can be registered unless accompanied by this Certificate.

Download Link:-

Download Share Certificate Format as per Companies Act 2013 in Word Format

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